
  • UI/UX, App design

An audio app designed for both music and book lovers to come together, Wavelength lets you find new books through the power of music. Dive into a community where stories and tunes blend seamlessly.

What’s The Problem?

Many audio apps serves the same purpose of listening to books however there is a lack of community or attracting a different type of audience.

The Goal

Develop an app with a special search engine that involves discovering new books using music, attract creatives from different fields to engage with books, and build it as a community-focused platform.

Community Based Functions

To make this audio app a community based, I wanted to make sure there was a community function that allowed people to talk and communicate on the books they written or the type of music they like and how it links back into particular books.

Unique selling point

Despite being primarily for audiobooks, this app also connects music and book fans. It offers a fresh way for young people and creatives to explore new things, fostering communication from a unique angle. By encouraging music fans to delve into books that inspired or relate to the music they love, it broadens their interests.

Icons and Colours

Icons and Colours

I focused on using icons over imagery to create a friendly, fun, and minimalistic style. I incorporated a variety of colours to achieve a modern, stylish design.

To maintain consistency, I used off-white and grey as the main primary colours, and used the adaptive colours to brighten the design and indicate app sections. This guides users to different areas/sections as different colours represent various music genres linking to to different book titles.

Additionally, the colours adapt based on the current audio book your listening to as this can be see on the navigation bar and how the text colour changes depending on the book being listened to. This interactivity enhances user experience.

Here are some examples of the design that shows these ideas in context.

Each of the colours and icons are linked together and visually tells users information as well as the arrows showing the users that if they click on it, it will expand.

Since mobile screen size is small, I couldn’t use as much text which is why I decided to focus mainly on the icon and colour rather than the text which helped make it look stylish and appropriate for a younger audience.

You can see how the main colours can change depending on which book your currently reading.

This is a mini drop down menu. One thing that is mainly seen in both audio, podcasts and music apps is that they have a mini player which is near the bottom or on the side of the screen. With this idea there is a mini player on the side next to the navigation bar which users can pull open or close in the app while listening to the audio.

This provides more screen space for the user but also they can stop the Audio player and take a look at which part they stopped at at any time.

The text being highlighted as they listen to the audio helps users to bookmark areas specifically and helps them to keep track of which page they’re on.

This also allows them to explore and look at other information in the app such as the playlist attached to the book or explore other communities while listening to the audio.



